GPRS settings are usually sent immediately after activating an internet connection with Idea Airtel, Vodafone and BSNL. And if you have missed the settings message, just call the customer care number. They would resend it for you. Your phone must be switched ON for receiving GPRS settings. Nokia and SonyEricsson customers have other options to get GPRS settings.
Nokia customers, visit this website to send the GPRS settings directly to your Idea, BSNL, Airtel or Idea mobile.
SonyEricsson’s website is providingĀ SMS based OTA GPRS settings here.
GPRS settings for Motorola, other mobile phones and service providers can be found here (link expired).
And if you have a Symbian s60V3 Nokia mobile phone, there is an easy method to get GPRS settings. Just go to tools from your Menu And select settings wizard. Depending on your connection, Airtel, Idea, Vodafone or BSNL, settings will be automatically retrieved and saved to your mobile phone.
Check how you canĀ increase internet speed in Airtel GPRS.
Do you want the GPRS/EDGE/3G settings for a particular mobile phone and network? Share it in the comments- we might be able to help you.
Vishnu M.- says
I think that site is not offering contents to India now.. Please check!
I was trying to download settoings for Nokia 7210 sN
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
i have a china set how to do this and what to do
Anonymous says
totallyyy cheat dont try ………..plsssss
sandeep says
prakash singh rawat says
i bought a new chaines phones ACE tm.
i have activated wap89 download on sim.
but new phone is not accepted gprs plz give me settings
Harsh says
Hey friend, thanks a lot for your article. It really helped me.
I found one more link on Airtel GPRS over here:
I guess this will be helpful for all over here.
jayesh says
hi friends
never try the above its all fake and cheating …..
the man who said this BSNL nos is an IDIOT…
Navneet says
I have Micromax x550 mobile set I want idea GPRS setting
somkant says
i have lava arc 02 mobile set i want idea GPRS setting
pushpendra says
please sent me nokia 5233 gprs internet setting.ihave already reacharged 97 cellphone no. is 9627652296
ARJUN says
Thank you for that setting wizard.Really thank you mannnnnnnnnn.
MDee says
I ws askd 2 snd….” S(space)IMEI no of d phone” 2 52586 to get d settings..
Aftr that, v hv 2 snd….” ACT” to 144