SmartMovie is a popular mobile media player from Lonely Cat Games. They recently released an updated version of SmartMovie player, SmartMovie 4. It can play DivX, mpeg4 and Xvid formats with maximum quality in small mobile screens. SmartMovie 4 package comes with a desktop converter and mobile SmartMovie player 4. The standard format for playback is AVI ( DivX) . But there is software like DivX player that can play this format for free. From version 4.0, SmartMovie added support for MP4, 3GP and FLV. So now you can play Youtube video files (FLV) in SmartMovie layer 4. You can download the player from the links given below.
SmartMovie player 4.
DivX or AVI videos can reduce the size of any video file, maintaining its quality. SmartMovie was the only AVI mobile player during its introduction. Later DivX Inc. released a free DivX mobile player that affected the acceptance of SmartMovie player. As I said earlier, from version 4, SmartMovie added support for native mobile video formats like 3GP, MP4 and FLV playback. SmartMovie player 4 had a lot of bug fixes for compatibility and memory management issues. It now supports the latest Nokia Touch series smartphones.
SmartMovie player 4 has a redesigned interface that almost looks like DivX mobile player. It adapts with the default theme on Symbian mobile phone.
New online update feature SmartMovie player 4 lets you to update the software over a suitable data connection.
SmartMovie 4 desktop converter .
Download SmartMovie player 4 here.
You have to use the converter software to convert incompatible videos to mobile media player format and then transfer it to the device using data cable.
kishor says
Thank you, I have seen lots of movies using this player
ranjith says
how instal smart movi player
sunil says
kanchan says
plz send me the key for smart movie imei354855020643960
kanchan says
it is the best movie palyer upto tody
dileep says
please give me a smartmuvie
Ajinkya says
Thak for it
Mostak says
SmartMovie player kay
naqvi.sarfraz says
i want all latest model smart movi
hussain says
Smartmovie player 4 is good says
not good very bad can’t download in my computer